1 Oh, Savior, seal my heart
Thine own eternally,
For thy blest purpose set apart,
And sacred kept for thee.
Come, enter thou my heart,
And close its door to sin;
Bid all the foes of grace depart,
Dwell thou alone within.
2 Let sin no more find place
Within my bosom blest,
But keep it hallowed by thy grace,
In lasting sabbath rest. [Refrain]
3 Reign thou in me as King,
Upon thy royal throne,
While I unending tribute bring
For Ceaseless mercies shown. [Refrain]
4 If thou thy help shalt give,
A covenant I make,
In true obedience to live,
Nor thy commandments break. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #115