1 O sad and suff'ring world,
Oppress'd by sin and woe,
We weep, we weep o'er thee,
We weep, we weep o'er thee.
We hear thy sighs and prayers,
We see thy falling tears,
And mourn, and mourn for thee,
And mourn, and mourn for thee.
We come, we come from far,
Above yon azure sky,
How bright, how bright our home,
How bright, how bright our home.
We leave its peace and joy,
We have its worship pure,
To bless, to bless thee now,
To bless to bless thee now.
2 Where wrong and care and woe,
Where hunger's pangs are felt,
Our help, our help must be,
Our help, our help must be.
Where loved ones mourn their dead,
Where friendless hearts beat lone,
Our comfort still we bring,
Our comfort still we bring.
By hopeful, soothing words,
By kind and gentle deeds
Our love we e'er will show,
Our love we e'er will show.
To thee, O blessed Faith.
And thee, O smiling Hope,
Each heart, each heart we'll turn,
Each heart, each heart we'll turn.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #103