O, not to crush with abject fear
The burdened soul of man
Did Jesus on the earth appear,
And open heaven’s high plan:
He came to bid him find repose,
And God his Father know;
And thus with love to raise up those
That once were bowed low.
O, not in coldness nor in pride
His holy path he trod;
’Twas his delight to turn aside
And win the lost to God;
And unto sorrowing guilt disclose
The fount whence peace should flow;
And thus with love to raise up those
That once were bowed low.
O, not with cold, unfeeling eye
Did he the suffering view;
Not on the other side pass by,
And deem their tears untrue;
’Twas joy to him to heal their woes,
And heaven’s sweet refuge show;
And thus with love to raise up those
That once were bowed low.
Source: A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #122