1 O my Saviour! hear the plea
That Thy children raise to Thee;
We are weak and Thou art strong,
Help us all the way along.
Help us, Saviour, for from Thee
All our strength must ever be;
In Thy love we trust and say,
“Lead us, lead us all the way.”
2 O my Saviour! we would be
Daily, hourly more like Thee;
More like Thee, O Saviour dear,
As we do our lifework here. [Refrain]
3 Led by Thee, by Thee made strong
All the way of life along,
We at last Thy heav’n shall see,
There, O Lord, to be like Thee. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #60