1 O, my people! journ’ying onward,
You of Christ’s great brotherhood,
Heed the lessons which He gives you,
Written in His blessèd Word.
Strong and clear and full of meaning:
"Come, if you would follow Me,
Down among the poor and lowly;
Here your Christian work must be."
2 This the path which you must follow,
This the way the Savior trod;
And He teaches this will lead you
Into peace and up to God.
’Tis in deeds we serve the Master—
Words are idle, empty prayer;
All our Christian life a pretense,
If the deeds are wanting there.
3 If you will but heed this lesson,
Which the blessed Savior gave,
Going out into the byways,
Seeking those He came to save,
Telling them the wondrous story,
With an earnest heart of love—
Yours will be a glorious harvest
Gathered for the fold above.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13348