1 O Love divine! where’er I am,
Thou dost abide with me;
Whatever path in life I take,
I still remain in Thee;
For Thou art here and everywhere,
Thou fillest every spot:
O ever present Love divine,
O Love! thou movest not.
2 O Love divine! whate’er befall,
If good or ill my lot;
Whatever I may bring to pass,
O Love! thou changest not.
Thou art the same, unvarying,
Throughout eternity:
All steadfast, changeless, helpful, good,
O Love! art thou to me.
3 Securely may I trust in thee,
Thou Love divine so sure;
Unmoved as the eternal hills,
Thou dost for aye endure;
O Love divine! I would be filled
With substance like to thee,
That thou and I forevermore
May interwoven be.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9469