1 O Lord, wherewith have we deserved
The grace and mercy offered here?--
We from the path of duty swerved,
And were not constant in thy fear.
2 Unworthy as we all have proved,
Thou still dost condescend to bless
Thy children with thy presence,--moved
To pity by their sore distress.
3 In sacramental union
Art thou with these thy gifts, O Lord,--
By them we have communion
with Thee, so saith thy sacred word.
4 Grant that we may be well prepared,
Lest, as unworthy guests, we sin,
As Paul, thy servant, that declared,
Against thy body and thy blood.
5 Forgiveness, strength, and comfort give
To us, thy children, at this board,
So that we may in heaven live,
And praise Thee there in sweet accord.
6 Though feeble human minds may fail,
This mystery to comprehend;
Our faith stands firm, until the veil
Be raised in yonder fatherland.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #228