1 O Lord, we welcome Thee,
Our hearts for joy are leaping.
Thou, Jesus, dearest Child,
Thy precious promise keeping,
Art come from heav'n to earth
To be our Brother dear;
Thou, gracious Son of God,
Wilt banish all our fear.
2 The mighty Son of God,
His majesty concealing,
Dwells with our fallen race
To give us balm and healing.
The everlasting God
Descends from realms above,
Becomes a winsome Child,
Reveals His Father's love.
3 Ah, sweet and gentle name!
It echoes far are sounding,
It pierces hearts of stone
And tells of love abounding.
O Jesus, dearest Child,
On Thee will we rely,
And, calling on Thy name,
We die not when we die.
4 To Thee alone we cling,
For Thee all else forsaking;
On Thee alone we build
Tho' heav'n and earth be quaking.
To Thee alone we live,
In Thee alone we die;
O Jesus, dearest Lord,
With Thee we reign on high.
Source: The Lutheran Hymnal #93