1 O Lord thou favour'd hast thy land
Jacob's captivity;
2 Thou hast brought back, thou pardoned hast
Thy folks iniquity,
thou hast close covered all their sin. Selah.
3 Thou hast thy wrath off cast;
Thou from the fierceness of thine ire
Thy self returned hast.
4 Turn us again, O thou the God
Of our salvation?
And towards us cause thou to cease
Thine indignation.
Wilt thou be angry still with us
For evermore? what shall
Thine anger be by thee drawn out
To generations all?
6 Wilt thou not us revive? in thee
Thy folk rejoyce shall so;
7 Shew us thy mercy, Lord on us
Thy saving health below.
8 I'll hear what God the Lord will say,
For surely he'll speak peace
To's folk and saints, but let not them
Return to foolishness.
9 Sure nigh to them that do him fear
Is his salvation;
That glory may within our land
Have habitation.
10 Mercy and truth do jointly meet,
Justice and peace do kiss;
11 Truth springs from th' earth and righteousness
From heaven looking is.
12 Yea what is good the Lord shall give;
Our land yield her increase.
13 Justice before him go and in
the way her feet shall place.
Source: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English metre: for the use, edification, and comfort of the saints...especially in New-England (25th ed) #PLXXXVb