1. O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth,
How excellent's thy name!
Who hast the heavens far above,
Established thy fame.
2. From mouths of babes and sucklings, thou
Ordained hast thy praise;
Which puts to silence impious tongues,
The self avenger stays.
3. When I survey the vast expanse,
Formed by thy finger's might.
Or view the moon, and glittering stars,
Ordained to rule the night:
4. Lord! What is feeble man! that thou
Dost bear him still in mind?
And what the son of man, whom thou
To visit art so kind ?
5. Thou, him but little lower madst,
Than angels round thy throne •,
With glory thou didst him adorn,
And with high honors crown.
6. Thou gavst him, o'er thy handy works,
Dominion's regal seat ;
And all things in subjection put,
Beneath his royal feet:
7. All flocks, and herds, and beasts of prey;
And birds that beat the air;
The fish that cleave the briny sea,
And all that passeth there.
9. O Lord, our Lord, who may compare
With thine unrivaled Fame?
Through all the earth, from pole to pole,
How excellent's thy name.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752