O Lord our God, with earnest care. [Fast Day.] This cento, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines in A Selection of Hymns Designed as a Supplement to the Psalms & Hymns of the Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, 1861, No. 356, and the Songs for the Sanctuary, N. Y., 1865, No. 1333, is from translations of Latin hymns published in the Hymnal Noted; stanza i. being stanza iii. of "Ecce tempus idoneum;" stanzas ii., iii. being stanzas iii., iv. of "Jesu quadra-genariae;" stanza iv. being stanza iv. of "Audi benigne Conditor;" and stanza v. of "Plasmator hominis Deus." Of these translations stanzas i.-iv. are by Dr. Neale, and stanza v. by another hand. The result is a most successful hymn for a Fast Day service, or for Lent.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)