1 O Lord, on this our Sunday-school,
Thy blessing we implore;
On those who teach and those who learn,
Thy choicest blessings pour.
O Jesus, draw our hearts to thee,
And when this life shall end,
Raise us to live above the sky,
With thee, the Children's Friend. [Chorus]
2 Here we are taught to spend aright,
Our time in wisdom's way,
Then let us not these hours employ
In idle talk or play. [Chorus]
3 Here too we learn with thankful joy
To seek thy house of pray'r;
Then let us hear, and praise, and pray
In truth and spirit there. [Chorus]
4 And here we read thy blessed word,
The message of thy will;
May we indeed its truths believe,
Its righteous laws fulfil. [Chorus]
Source: Kind Words: a new collection of hymns and tunes for sunday schools and the social circle #93b