O Lord of peace, in mercy hear,
The prayer of those Thy name that fear,
And bring Thy great Salvation near;
Have mercy, Lord.
May peace within our world reside;
Thy Church her cause to Thee confide,
And all, as one, in Thee abide;
Here let Thy people Thee revere;
In faith, and piety draw near,
And worship Thee in holy fear;
Thy priests within this holy place
Dispense the bounties of Thy grace,
As those who serve before Thy face.
Our Sovereign Lord with wisdom dress,
With hands unstained his council bless;
Upbuild his throne in righteousness.
In time of war, with strength endue,
Our hearts possess with courage true;
Our foes against the right subdue.
May earth her flowers and blossoms yield;
May fruits encrown the harvest field;
From waste, and want, Thy people shield.
The sailor on the restless deep,
The homeless in their wandering, keep;
The suffering soothe with kindly sleep.
Keep Thou our souls, O God, from harm,
From wrath, and danger, and alarm,
Safe in Thy strong, encircling arm.
Have mercy, Lord.