1. O Lord, my troublers great are grown.
And many up against me rise,
2. They say, his soul is left alone.
And God all Help to him denies.
3. But thou, Lord, art a shield to me,
And thy defense is round me spread;
Thou art my glory; I shall see
Thee high, in honor, raise my head.
4. When, heretofore, my humble prayer
To God I made, in like distress,
He, from his holy hill, did hear
My voice, and all my fears suppress.
5. I then could lay me down, and take
My quiet sleep, secure by night;
And in the morning safe awake,
O Lord, supported by thy might.
6. Why should I then, be now afraid;
Or of thy timely help despair?
Though, round encamped about me, laid,
Ten thousands of the people are.
7. Now rise, O Lord, my God, me save;
For all my foes have felt thy stroke
Full in the face; and by thee have
The teeth of wicked men been broke.
8. Salvation to the Lord alone.
As his peculiar right, pertains;
On those thou choosest for thine own.
Thy blessing ever sure remains.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752