1 O Lord, my rock, to Thee I cry;
Be not Thou silent then to me;
Lest by thy silence, I like them
Descending to the pit should be.
2 Of my entreaties hear the voice,
while to Thee loud for help I cry;
While I lift up my hands towards
Thine oracle of sanctity.
3 With ill men draw me not away,
With workers of unrighteousness;
who peace to all their neighbors speak,
But in their heart is wickedness.
4 Thou wilt reward them for their deeds,
According to their ill intents;
According to their handy-works,
Thou wilt them justly recompense.
5 Since they Jehovah's wonders slight,
And working of his hand disdain;
He will them righteously destroy,
And will not build them up again.
6 The Lord be blessed; for He hat heard
The voice of my imploring cry:
The LORD my strength, my shield; on Him
My heart relied, and helped was I.
Therefore my heart exults with joy,
And with my song I'll Him confess.
7 Jehovah is his people's strength,
The strength of his Messiah is.
8 Salvation to thy people give;
and bless Thou thine inheritance;
Yea even to eternity
Do Thou them feed and them advance.
[This Verse in common Metre.]
8 Salvation to thy people give;
bless thine inheritance;
And even to eternity
them feed and them advance.
The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, 1758