1 O LORD my God, my only refuge,
save me from those who seek my life
or they will tear me like a lion;
LORD, quickly end this bitter strife.
But if my hands have done them evil
or if their cause is truly just,
then let them come and overtake me
and lay my glory in the dust.
2 Rise up, O LORD, in righteous anger
for you have set a judgment time.
Let all the peoples gather round you;
enthroned on high, you will preside.
O let the evil of the wicked
by your great might remain confined,
but let the righteous be established,
for you discern both heart and mind.
3 If anyone is unrepentant,
God's sword is sharp, his bow is bent;
the pit they dug will be their downfall,
their sin will land upon their heads.
But I will thank the LORD of heaven,
all that he does is always right;
yes, I will sing his name forever,
the righteous God, the LORD Most High.
Source: Christian Worship: Psalter #7B