1 O Lord in me thy work revive,
Begin this very hour;
O may my eyes in rapture see
Thy Spirit’s mighty pow’r.
Begin in me, begin in me
Thy work of love and pow’r;
O Spirit of the Living God,
Begin this very hour.
2 Thy weary Church has waited long,
May it not wait in vain;
Break thro’ the darksome clouds we dread
And send refreshing rain. [Refrain]
3 Mighty but a show’r of grace descend,
Our hearts would lose their gloom,
The barren hills would all rejoice,
The wilderness would bloom. [Refrain]
4 O help thy people, one and all,
Thy promise to believe,
And open thou our ev’ry heart
Thy blessing to receive. [Refrain]
5 We seek, O Lord, thy blessing now
With one prolonged desire;
Delay no longer, gracious God,
The pentecostal fire. [Refrain]
Source: Songs for All #78