1 Oh little shell by the sea shore,
What are you murmuring?
What the words you are saying,
What are the songs you sing?
Dear little child, this is my song,
This I murmur all the day long—
God, who has made the ocean blue,
Cares for a tiny sea-shell too.
2 Oh little rose of the garden,
What do your lips repeat?
What the words you are saying,
What is your message sweet?
Dear little child, this I would say,
All the long bright summer day—
God, who has made the sky and sea,
Cares for a tiny flow’r like me.
3 Oh little robin and blue-bird,
Playing on bush and tree,
What’s your message of music,
What is your song to me?
Oh little child, this is our song,
This we sing the whole day long—
God, who love the children fair,
Cares for His song-birds of the air.
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #160