1 Oh, lift up your eyes to yon sacred sign,
Look and live, look and live;
And gaze on that symbol of love divine,
Look and live!
Look and live! Gift so marvelous!
Look and live! For he died for us!
On that cross, as an altar of God, his life he laid.
Look and live! Gift so marvelous!
Look and live! For he died for us!
Trust in that pardoning sign;
Can you such mercy decline?
Life eternal to all he will give;
Look and live!
2 The gift of his pardoning grace receive,
Look and live, look and live;
The height and the depth of his love believe,
Look and live! [Refrain]
3 Then turn not away from that shining cross,
Look and live, look and live;
Oh, risk not that proffered salvation’s loss,
Look and live! [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #106