1 O life eternal, life divine,
I long to grasp the glorious prize;
O life, flow through this heart of mine,
From thy pure fountain in the skies.
Flow in, flow in,
O life divine, flow in;
My Saviour, life itself thou art,
O come and fill my waiting heart.
2 Abundant life on me bestow,
Earth’s vapors I would breath no more;
Oh, let celestial breezes blow,
With fragrance laden evermore. [Refrain]
3 Here at thy feet I lay my heart:
Make broad the channels for thy grace;
Then fill, and overflow each part,
Enlarge and fill the added space. [Refrain]
4 Open the windows from above
And pour thy richest gifts on me;
More life bestow, and more of love,—
Let me a chosen vessel be. [Refrain]
Source: Melodious Sonnets #15