1 O let the heart beat high with bliss,
Yea, let it triumph at the sound
Of Jesus’ name, so sweet it is,
For every joy therein is found.
2 The name that comforteth in woe,
The name of Jesus healing sin,
The name that curbs the powers below
And drives away the death within:
3 The name that soundeth ever sweet
In speech or verse or holy song,
And bids us run with willing feet,
Consoled, and comforted, and strong.
4 Then let the name of Jesus ring
With lofty praise in every place;
Let heart and voice together sing--
That name shall every ill efface.
5 Ah! Jesus, health of sinful men,
Give ear unto our loving prayer;
Guide thou our wandering feet again,
And hold our doings in thy care.
6 O Jesus, of the Virgin born,
Immortal honour be to thee;
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.
Source: The New English Hymnal #153a