Translator: T. A. Lacey
Lacey, Thomas Alexander, s. of G. F. Lacey, was b. at Nottingham, Dec. 20, 1853. He entered Balliol Coll., Oxford, as an exhibitioner in 1871 (B.A. 1876, M.A. 1885), was ordained D. 1876, P. 1879, was from 1894 to 1903 Vicar of Madingley near Cambridge, and since then has been Chaplain of the London Diocesan Penitentiary. He was one of the Committee who compiled The English Hymnal, 1906, and contributed to it twelve translations (8, 66, 67, 69, 104, 123, 124, 174, 208, 226, 249, 325), also one unpublished and one previously published original, viz.,
1. O Faith of England, taught of old. [Church Defence.]
2. The dying robber raised his aching brow. [Good Friday.] First in the Treasury, Sept. 1905, p. 482, headed "Sursum."
Go to person page >Author: Gregory the Great
Gregory I., St., Pope. Surnamed The Great. Was born at Rome about A.D. 540. His family was distinguished not only for its rank and social consideration, but for its piety and good works. His father, Gordianus, said to have been the grandson of Pope Felix II. or III., was a man of senatorial rank and great wealth; whilst his mother, Silvia, and her sisters-in-law, Tarsilla and Aemiliana, attained the distinction of canonization. Gregory made the best use of his advantages in circumstances and surroundings, so far as his education went. "A saint among saints," he was considered second to none in Rome in grammar, rhetoric, and logic. In early life, before his father's death, he became a member of the Senate; and soon after he was thirty and ac…
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