1 O Jesus, my Savior, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the pleasures of earth I resign;
Of objects most pleasing, I love Thee the best;
Without Thee I’m wretched, but with Thee I’m blest.
O praise the Lord, I’m saved,
I’m saved by the blood of the Lamb;
I’m saved, I’m saved,
O praise the Lord, I’m saved.
2 Thou art my rich treasure, my joy and my love,
No richer’s possessed by the angels above;
For Thee all the pleasures of sense I’ll forego
And wander a pilgrim distressèd below. [Refrain]
3 O Jesus, my Savior, in Thee I am blest;
My life and my treasure, my joy and my rest;
Thy grace be my theme, and Thy name be my song;
Thy love doth inspire my heart and my tongue. [Refrain]
4 Thy Spirit first taught me to know I was blind;
And taught me the way of salvation to find;
And when I was sinking in dreadful despair,
My Jesus relieved me, and bid me not fear. [Refrain]
5 In vain I attempt to describe what I feel;
The language of mortals forever must fail;
My Jesus is precious, my soul’s in a flame;
I’m raised into raptures while praising His name. [Refrain]
6 I find Him in singing, I find Him in prayer;
In sweet meditation, He always is near;
My constant companion, oh, may we not part;
All glory to Jesus who dwells in my heart. [Refrain]
7 If ever I loved, sure I love Thee, my Lord,
I love Thy dear people, Thy ways and Thy word;
I love all creation, I love sinners, too,
Since Jesus has died to redeem them from woe. [Refrain]
8 Tho’ weak and despisèd, by faith I now stand,
Preserved and supported by Heaven’s kind hand;
In Jesus supported, I’ll bless His dear name,
Regardless of censure, of praise or of blame. [Refrain]
9 When happy in Christ, I regard not the proud,
Tho’ sinners despise me for singing so loud;
For death will soon call me, and then I shall fly,
To praise my dear Jesus, in mansions on high. [Refrain]
10 There millions of ages my soul shall employ,
In praising my Jesus, my hope and my joy;
The glorified spirits and angels around,
Shall all be delighted to join the glad sound. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8337