1 O Jesus, my Saviour, I come and confess
How long I have wandered from Thee!
Thy grace I adore, and Thy mercy I bless,
“Whereas I was blind, now I see.”
Yes, now I believe,
O Saviour, receive,
And take me and bless me,
Lord, just as I am!
2 O Jesus, my Saviour, I come and deplore
My folly, my hardness and sin;
I’ll serve Thee henceforward,
I’ll grieve Thee no more,
And now shall my service begin! [Refrain]
3 O Jesus, my Saviour, forgive me, I pray,
And make me and keep me Thine own;
Accept me and reign in my heart from this day,
And nevermore leave me alone. [Refrain]
Source: Gloria Deo: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public Worship in all Departments of the Church #326