1 O Jesus, my Saviour, how lovely Thou art!
Come enter my soul, and cleanse my foul heart;
For Thee I am living, and when life is run,
I’ll meet Thee in glory, and hear Thy “Well done.”
To Christ whose blood shall cleanse our hearts,
With trials and sorrows go;
There at His feet your burdens lay—
Each sorrow, grief and woe;
The fountain of His blood shall hear,
The soul so sick and sore,
And cleanse from ev’ry taint of sin,
To make it pure once more.
2 O Jesus, Redeemer, for me Thou didst die;
And conquer’d death’s tomb, ascended on high;
Should I then not serve Thee, as long as I’ve breath,
And haste at Thy bidding, e’en tho’ it be death? [Refrain]
3 O Jesus, my Saviour, come now and redeem
My life from all dross, with blood make me clean;
O come! Lord come quickly! without Thee ‘tis night;
O come! Lord come quickly! and scatter Thy light. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #70