1 O Jesus, my Lord,
forever adored,
my portion, my all,
at your holy feet humbly
pleading I fall.
2 As sure as I prove
your mercy and love,
as life you did gain
for me, and my comfort
dost ever remain,
3 so may I prove true,
devoted to you,
and cheerfully stand,
prepared to comply with
your ev'ry command.
4 Keep me through your pow'r
so minded each hour
that I naught beside
may know but you only,
the Lord crucified.
5 Make me your abode,
a temple of God,
a vessel of grace,
prepared for your service
and formed to your praise.
6 The cov'nant is made
with you as my Head.
Lord, grant my request,
to love and to serve you
till with you I rest.
Source: Moravian Book of Worship #608