1 O Jesus my Lord and my Savior,
A rock and a refuge to me;
I long to be drawn by thy favor,
Still closer and closer to thee.
Closer to thee, closer to thee,
Closer my Lord and my Savior,
Closer to thee, closer to thee,
Draw me still closer to thee.
2 Let peace from thy presence possess me,
A peace that abiding shall be;
And when my temptations distress me,
O draw me still closer to thee. [Chorus]
3 When close by thy side I am keeping,
My pathway is mark'd out by thee;
And rich are the fields for my reaping,
While closer and closer to thee. [Chorus]
4 And when my life's journey is ending,
The waves of the river I see;
Let angels from glory descending,
My spirit bear closer to thee. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #14