1 O, Jesus, Friend unfailing,
How dear Thou art to me;
Are cares or fears assailing,
I find my strength in Thee.
Why should my feet grow weary
Of this my pilgrim way;
Rough tho’ the path and dreary,
It ends in perfect day.
2 What fills my heart with gladness,
‘Tis thine abounding grace;
Where can I look in sadness,
Bu, Jesus, on Thy face.
My all is Thy providing,
Thy love can ne’er grow cold;
In Thee, my refuge, hiding,
No good wilt Thou withhold.
2Forev’ry tribulation,
Forev’ry sore distress,
In Christ I’ve full salvation,
Sure help and quiet rest.
No fear of foes prevailing,
I triumph, Lord, in Thee;
O Jesus, Friend unfailing,
How dear Thou art to me.
Source: Crowning Day No. 2 #208