1 O if I had the voice of an angel to sing
The best joys that attend us on earth,
I would sing of the blessings and comforts that spring
From our Savior’s miraculous birth.
2 What the Law, and the Psalms, and the Prophets of old,
In full many a marvelous way,
To the Fathers had promised, or plainly foretold,
Are the wonders that meet us today.
3 Not a jot or a tittle of Scripture shall fail;
And by Scripture how clearly ’tis proved,
That the Savior is Jesus, whose advent we hail;
He is God to be worshiped and loved.
4 Son of God, Son of man, David’s Son, David’s Lord,
Full of mercy, yet righteous and just,
All the truths that shine forth in Thine own written word,
I’ll receive with submission and trust.
5 As the angels from Heav’n were sent down to proclaim
The good news of this glorious morn,
And the shepherds and sages all joyfully came
To the place where the Savior was born;
6 Let me copy the angels in reverence and love,
With the shepherds obedient be found;
And, submitting my thoughts to the Wisdom above,
Now in meek Christian wisdom abound.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14162