1 Oh! I love to think of Jesus,
When I read the story o’er,
How the Savior, worn and weary,
Trod the Galilean shore;
How He taught His loved disciples,
As they walked beside the sea,
In the sunshine of His presence,
On the shores of Galilee.
2 Oh! I love to think of Jesus,
As He journeyed day by day,
Hand in hand with those who loved Him,
In that land so far away,
And the waters murmured softly
As the sunlight kissed the sea,
Oh! how sweet to walk with Jesus,
On the shores of Galilee.
3 Oh! I love to think of Jesus,
When the twilight shadows fall,
And the shining stars of heaven
Smile in beauty over all.
Then I hear a sweet voice saying,
Come, My child, come unto Me;
I will ever walk beside you,
On the shores of Galilee.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7891