1 Oh, how I love the narrow way,
That leads to everlasting day;
The way our blessed Saviour trod,
The road that leads us home to God.
Lord, keep me in the narrow way,
Nor let me from it ever stay;
Keep heaven always in my view,
And with Thy help I'm going thru.
2 Oh, praise His name, I love to tell
How Jesus saved my soul from hell;
And by His saving grace each day
He keeps me in the narrow way. [Refrain]
3 Oh, ev'ry one who would be free
To walk in heaven's liberty,
Your all to Jesus you must give,
And in the Spirit daily live. [Refrain]
4 Now Jesus is my Friend and Guide,
Praise God, in Him I'm sanctified;
Since He into my heart has come,
I never more in sin shall roam. [Refrain]
5 Cleansed from all sin I know I am,
Oh, hallelujah to His name!
My soul is happy all the day,
I'm living in the narrow way. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #316