1. O hear the Savior’s voice today,
Come to Me, O come to Me!
In tender accents hear Him say,
“Come to Me, O come to Me!
If thou wouldst now be truly blest,
Come, lay thy head upon My breast,
O come, and I will give thee rest;
Come to Me, O come to Me!
2. “Come, weary, heavy laden soul,
Come to Me, O come to Me!
I’ll pardon, cleanse, and make thee whole,
Come to Me, O come to Me!
Long patient years I’ve bid thee come,
O do no not longer strive to roam,
But seek today thy Father’s home;
Come to Me, O come to Me!
3. Thy Father’s waiting to receive,
Come to Me, O come to Me!
If thou wilt only now believe,
Come to Me, O come to Me!
At last when all thy journey’s o’er,
With all thy dear ones gone before,
Thou’lt be with Me forevermore;
Come to Me, O come to Me!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #4951