1 O happy time! Auspicious morn!
When the blest Prince of Peace was born;
Angels in raptures hailed His birth,
Who brought down peace from Heaven to earth.
2 ’Twas when th’appointed years were run,
The God of grace sent forth His Son;
In mortal dress this Prince of light
Conceals a form divinely bright.
3 Heaven’s equal laws by us defied
Jesus obeyed and patient died;
Our curse He bears upon the tree,
And by His death makes captives free.
4 The saint’s full bliss, who can relate?
His honors, how divinely great,
Through Christ a son, a royal heir,
What angel can the bliss declare?
5 Ye men with joyful angels sing,
For unto you was born this King;
In heavenly raptures hail His birth;
Who brought down peace from Heaven to earth.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9463