1 O grant us light, that we may know
The wisdom Thou alone canst give;
That truth may guide where'er we go,
And virtue bless where'er we live.
2 O grant us light, that we may see
Where error lurks in human lore.
And turn our doubting minds to Thee,
And love Thy simple word the more.
3 O grant us light, that we may learn
How dead is life from Thee apart,
How sure is joy for all who turn
To Thee an undivided heart.
4 O grant us light, in grief and pain,
To lift our burdened hearts above,
And count the very cross a gain,
And bless our Father's hidden love.
5 O grant us light, when, soon or late,
All earthly scenes shall pass away.
In Thee to find the open gate
To deathless home and endless day.
The Hymnal: Published by the authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1895