1. O golden day, so long desired,
Born of a darksome night,
The waiting earth at last is fired
By Thy resplendent light.
And hark! the promised heav'nly chord
Is heard from sea to sea:
This song: One Master, Christ the Lord
And brethren all are we.
2. The noises of the night shall cease,
The storms no longer roar;
The factious foes of love and peace
Shall vex the soul no more.
A thousand thousand voices sing
The surging harmony:
One Master, Christ, one Saviour-King;
And brethren all are we.
3. Sing on, ye heralds of the morn,
Your grand endeavor strain,
Till Christian hearts estranged and torn,
Blend in the glad refrain;
And all the church, with all its pow'rs,
In loving loyalty,
Shall sing: One Master, Christ, is ours;
And brethren all are we.
4. O golden day! the ages crown,
Aglow with heavenly love,
Rare day in prophecy's renown,
On to thy zenith move,
When earth and heav'n with one accord,
In full-voiced unity.
Shall sing: One Master, Christ our Lord;
And brethren all are we.
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #918