1 O God who is the breath of life,
help us to feel your power of love;
that all our days may be renewed,
the life that maketh all things new.
2 These walls were built so long ago
by faithful men long gone before;
with skill and knowledge given them,
by God's right hand that guided them.
3 This building made with humble hands,
great craftsmanship was lift to share
by those who toil all day and night,
for us to come and worship here.
4 Then when their task was finished here,
all things of beauty we adore.
Though parted now from earthly home,
we offer them before thy throne.
5 Father, today we gather here
within these walls to watch and pray.
Join us together in your love
to work and serve thee all our days.
Source: CPWI Hymnal #557