1 O God our Lord, how wonderful
are thy works ev'ry where!
Thy fame surmounts in dignity
the highest heav'ns that are.
2 E'en by the mouth of sucking babes
thou wilt confound thy foes;
For in those babes thy might is seen,
thy graces they disclose.
3 And when I see the heav'ns above,
the work of thine own hand,
The sun, the moon, and all the stars
in order as they stand;
4 Lord what is man, that thou of him
tak'st such abundant care!
Or what the son of man, whom thou
to visit dost not spare!
5 For thou hast made him little less
than angels in degree,
And thou hast also crowned him
with glorious dignity.
6 Thou hast preferr'd him to be lord
of all thy works, and thou
Hast in subjection unto him
put all things here below.
7 As sheep, and neat, and all beasts else
that in the fields do feed,
Fowls of the air, fish of the sea,
and all that therein breed;
8 O God our Lord, how excellent
is thy most glorious Name
In all the earth! therefore do we
praise and adore the same.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms #VIII