O God of our salvation,
Who in Thy glorious might,
Didst speak, and all creation
Arose from brooding night;
And chaos, and confusion,
To form and order sped,
While lo! in rich profusion
The earth its beauty spread.
O God of our salvation,
Thy word hath still its power,
And souls in desolation
Are lying at this hour;
Speak as of old, and banish
The chaos and the night,
And bid their sorrows vanish
Before Thy glorious light.
O God of our salvation,
Thy Word our Flesh became;
To free from condemnation
He bore our human name,
And spoke to us confiding
Of all the Father willed;
And we, with Him abiding,
Are with His fulness filled.
O God of our salvation,
Thou, Christ, in mercy come,
And make Thy new creation
Thine everlasting home;
And in our hearts abiding,
And in Thy Church adored,
Still speak the word confiding,
O Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Hymns from the Morningland, 1911