1 O God of light, O God of love,
Shine on my soul from Heaven above!
Let sin appear in thy pure ray
As black as on the judgment day;
Let perfect love apply the test,
And all that’s wrong make manifest.
2 O take thy plummet and thy line,
Apply them to this heart of mine,
And thus reveal each crooked place
By contrast with true righteousness!
Let holy truth condemn each sham;
Show what thou art, and what I am.
3 O smite and spare not, faithful God!
A Father’s hand still holds the rod;
O make my sin-stained conscience smart,
And write thy law upon my heart
So plainly, that my will shall bow
In full surrender, here and now!
4 Work on in me thy perfect will,
In me thy promise, Lord, fulfil;
O make me quick to fight for thee,
And set my soul at liberty!
My soul can rest in nothing less
Than in a spotless holiness.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #446