A Collection of Hymns and a Liturgy #661
Display Title: O God, accept the sacred hour First Line: O God, accept the sacred hour Date: 1834
A Collection of Hymns and a Liturgy #661
1 O God, accept the sacred hour
Which we to thee have giv'n;
And let this hallow'd scene have pow'r
To raise our souls to heav'n.
2 Still let us hold, till life departs,
The precepts of thy Son;
No let our thoughtless, thankless hearts,
Forget what he has done.
3 His true disciples may we live,
From all corruption free;
And humbly learn, like him, to give
Our pow'rs, our wills to thee.
4 And oft, along life's dang'rous way,
To smoothe our passage through,
Wilt thou, as on this holy day,
For us this scene renew!
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #232
First Line: | O God, accept the sacred hour |
Author: | Samuel Gilman |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |