1 O, glorious promises of God!
Each one a priceless gem!
The richest diamonds of the earth
Are naught compared to them.
Most blessed boon to mortals giv’n,
To cheer life’s dreary way;
Bright lights let down to show the path
To everlasting day.
Sweet promises! God’s promises!
Dear treasures of my soul:
With these I’m rich, with theses secure,
While endless ages roll.
2 No failure in his promises,
But steadfast, firm and sure;
The word of our unchanging God
For ever shall endure.
Tho’ heav’n and earth shall pass away,
And all we love may die,
God’s promises to us remain,—
On these we may rely. [Refrain]
3 Believing them, the Spirit’s pow’r
Renews and purifies,
Thro’ Christ’s all-cleansing, precious blood,
Our perfect sacrifice.
O, glorious legacy of heav’n,
So rich, so vast and free!
These precious promises divine,
Securing all to me. [Refrain]
Source: Glorious Praise: specially prepared for use in the prayer meeting, the church service, the young people's meetings, the Sunday school, the evangelistic and other religious gatherings #140