1 O glorious God! eternal and wise,
Thou Maker of worlds, and Lord of the skies—
To Thee would we lift glad carols of praise,
For all Thy rich gifts and wonderful ways;
When earth without form lay mantled in night,
Thy lips spoke the word, and lo! there was light;
When men in his strength came forth from Thy hand,
He found his first dwelling a paradise land.
2 O bountiful God! attentive and kind,
Thou fullness of light to souls that are blind—
To Thee would we yield the tribute of love.
For blessings on earth and mansions above;
The mercies of life are held in Thy hand,
The angels of help around Thee now stand;
For every earth-want, and every soul-need,
As beams of the morning with succor they speed.
3 O All-loving God! benignant and pure,
Thou Saviour of souls, whose promise is sure—
To Thee would we give the love of our hearts,
And take of Thy grace with all it imparts;
The cross of Thy Son, all crimson with blood,
Assures us of life beyond the dark flood;
For Jesus has died our ransom to pay,
To lead us in triumph to glory’s bright day.
Source: Joyful Lays: a new collection of songs, prepared and adapted for the Sunday School #154