1 O give the LORD wholehearted praise.
To Him thanksgiving I will bring;
With all His people I will raise
my voice and of His glory sing.
2 His saints delight to search and trace
His mighty works and wondrous ways.
Majestic glory, boundless grace,
and righteousness His work displays.
3 God's wondrous deeds of faithfulness
His people ever keep in mind.
His works of love and graciousness
reveal that God the LORD is kind.
4 God's promise shall forever stand,
His care for those who trust His Word.
Upon His saints, His mighty hand
the wealth of nations has conferred.
5 His works are true and just indeed;
His precepts are forever sure.
In truth and righteousness decreed,
they shall forevermore endure.
6 From God His saints' redemption came;
His cov'nant sure no change can know.
Let all revere His holy Name
in heav'n above and earth below.
7 In rev'rence and in godly fear,
man finds the gate to wisdom's ways;
The wise His holy name revere.
Through endless ages sound His praise!
Source: Psalms of Grace #111a
First Line: | O give the Lord wholehearted praise |
Title: | O Give The Lord Wholehearted Praise |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Praise of the righteousness of the LORD.
Scripture References:
st. 1 = v. 1
st. 2 = vv. 2-3
st. 3 = v. 4
st. 4 = vv. 5-6
st. 5 = vv. 7-8
st. 6 = v. 9
st. 7 = v. 10
The first of eight "hallelujah" psalms (111-118), 111 was probably composed in the post-exilic period by a priest or Levite for temple worship. In structure and theme it is a poetic twin of Psalm 112. But while Psalm 112 is a eulogy to the righteous one who fears the LORD, 111 praises God for his unfailing righteousness.
The opening and closing verses frame the main thematic development with a call to praise (st. 1) and a word of instruction concerning true wisdom: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (v. 10; st. 7). God's righteousness is the faithfulness and grace by which he remains true to his covenant. The saints delight in God's "mighty works and Wondrous ways" (st. 2), which display the faithfulness of the LORD's love and grace (st. 3). God has been faithful in granting the people "the wealth of nations" (the promised land; st. 4). The LORD's deeds and orders for living are true and just (st. 5), and God's redemption shows his true covenant faithfulness. Let all revere God's holy name (st. 6), gain wisdom and understanding in the LORD, and praise his name forever (st. 7)! The 1912 Psalter is the source for this (altered) versification.
Liturgical Use:
Beginning of worship; wisdom emphasis (especially st. 7); many other occasions in Christian worship.
Psalter Hymnal Handbook