O give thanks unto the Lord
and call upon his name.
Tell the people, tell the people,
what tings he hath done.
O let your songs be of him and praise him,
and praise him, and praise him.
And let your talking be of all
his wondrous works.
O give thanks unto the Lord
and call upon his name.
Tell the people, tell the people,
what tings he hath done.
O let your songs be of him and praise him,
and praise him, and praise him.
And let your talking be of all
his wondrous works.
Rejoice in his holy name,
let the heart of them,
of them rejoice,
that seek the Lord,
Seek the Lord, seek the Lord and his
and his strength.
Seek his face ever more.
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah let us sing
hallelujah to our God,
hallelujah to our King.
Source: Urania: or a choice collection of psalm-tunes, anthems, and hymns, from the most approv'd authors, with some entirely new; in two, three, and four parts... #151