1 Oh! for an humble, lowly spirit,
Oh! for a heart with love to the brim;
That he alone might ere possess me,
And all my life be lost in him.
Yes, O yes, this my pray’r shall be,
That my life be hid in thee.
2 Oh! for a loving, Christ-like spirit,
Oh! for a life, reflecting his love;
That I may be to those around me
A benediction from above.
Yes, O yes, this my pray’r shall be,
For the love inspired by thee.
3 Oh! for a faith that brings this spirit
Oh! for a faith that claims it now;
Here I renounce my ev’ry portion,
Here at thy feet I humbly bow.
Yes, O yes, this my pray’r shall be,
Purg’d and cleans’d, and meet for thee.
Source: Songs for Work and Worship #69