1 O faithless, fearful army,
for you the Lord doth fight;
for you, through oceans stormy,
he cleaves his path of light.
Determined is the issue,
the crucial vict'ry past;
and God, who has redeemed you,
upholds you to the last.
2 Why downcast, why despairing,
in face of hostile power,
as though alone you're bearing
the stresses of this hour?
To death and hell appointed,
see conqu'ring in your place
the Son of God, th'Anointed,
elect by sov'reign grace!
3 His death and resurrection
he clothes upon his folk,
bound to him in subjection
by faith and love and hope.
O warrior true and glorious,
thou hast God's battle won!
Lord Christ, for us victorious,
thy perfect work is done.
Source: Rejoice in the Lord #395