1 O death, where is thy cruel sting?
O grave, where is thy power?
What harm to us can Satan bring?
Why need we fear or cower?
All thanks to God who won the fight
And saved us from our wretched plight
Thro' Jesus Christ, our Savior.
2 How mightily the serpent strove
When Christ with him contended!
Thro' craftiness awhile he throve,
But now his rule is ended.
For tho' he bruised the Savior's heel,
He yet no mortal thrust could deal;
His head is bruised and trodden.
3 He lives, who by the foe was slain
And held awhile in prison;
His members now shall freedom gain,
Since He, their Head, is risen.
If heed unto His Word they give,
Tho' they were dead, yet shall they live;
Nor death nor grave an hold them.
4 If daily we with Christ arise
Thro' faith and true repentance,
Then may we calmly close our eyes
And laugh to scorn death's sentence;
For death is shorn of all its pow'rs,
While peace and pardon now are ours,
Eternal life and glory.
5 Behold the spoils that we possess,
For which the Lord has striven:
Forgiveness, peace and righteousness,
Eternal life in heaven.
So here we now with joy abide
Till, in the body glorified,
We dwell with Him forever.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #448