1 O dearest LORD, give me an heart
Inflam'd with love to thee;
That thro' thy tedious toil and smart,
My soul may happy be.
2 I want, O LORD, from sin to flee,
And in thy wounds to rest;
Bid me by faith to come near to thee
And lean upon thy breast.
3 Still let a sense of what thou'st done,
In my heard heart be felt;
That by the love to me thou'st shewn,
My inmost soul may melt.
4 O may I never, never fain,
Refresh'd by streams of love;
Till in thy glory, as a saint,
I live with those above.
5 O may I now my all give up,
T thee my dearest LORD;
And wait with all thy saints to sup
Around the festal borad.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CXX