1 Oh, could my voice make the universe ring,
Love still my theme should be;
More than has ever been sung I would sing
Of Jesus who suffered for me;
Mountains and valleys their voices should raise,
Sun, moon, and stars above,
All should repeat thro’ the ages my praise
Of Christ and His wonderful love.
Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus the King above;
Praise Him, ye nations, ye throngs on high,
Sing of His mercy and love;
Honor, glory, His thro’ the ages shall be,
Honor, and glory, and praise to the Lamb
Who suffered death for me.
2 Had I a thousand more years still to live
Here in this earthly place,
All to my Savior divine I would give,
Extolling His wonderful grace;
Stars for my crown should be ever my aim,
“More love to Thee” my plea,
Sweeter and sweeter my voice should proclaim
The Savior who suffered for me. [Refrain]
3 Soon in the land where the ransomed rejoice,
I with my Lord shall be;
Then I shall sing with a far sweeter voice,
In praise of His goodness to me.
There, near the throne of my glorified King,
With all the throngs above,
Sweeter as age follows age, I shall sing
Of Christ and His wonderful love. [Refrain]
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #160