1 O come, let us sing to the Lord a new song,
And praise him to whom all our praises belong!
While we enter his temple with gladness and joy,
Let a psalm of thanksgiving our voices employ!
O come, to his name let us joyfully sing!
For the Lord is a great and omnipotent King;
By his word were the heavens and the host of them made,
And of the round world the foundations he laid.
2 He stilleth the waves of the boisterous sea,
And the tumults of men, more outrageous than they;
Thy goodness, O Lord! let the people confess,
Whom wars do not waste, nor proud tyrants oppress,
And devoutly contemplate thy wonderful ways,
Thou who turnest the fierceness of men to thy praise!
Then our lands in due season shall yield their increase,
And the Lord give his people the blessings of peace.
Source: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #CLXI